Copy TMS Learnings (VTAs) from OC/TMS to DMW/TMS

If your company is moving from Oracle Clinical (OC)/TMS to DMW/TMS we have a solution in place for bringing over the TMS Learnings (VTAs) that your medical coders have created over the past many years.

The number of manually created TMS codings is typically in the houndreds of thousands for large pharmas coducting many large scale trials.

Most companies want to bring over the TMS Knowledge database when migrating to a new platform, e.g. DMW/TMS, where TMS is new fresh install with new dictionaries and no previous coding knowledge (VTAs).

Note: TMS Learnings (VTAs) can be created in TMS target system prior to verbatim arriving from DMW.

TMS VTA copy solution can be used for:

  • Migration of TMS knowledge database from OC/TMS -> DMW/TMS
  • Migration of TMS knowledge database from one environment to another, e.g. Prod to Train for training of medical coders.

Please Contact us if Your company is interested in hearing more about our solutions for bringing over TMS learnings from one TMS source instance to another TMS target instance, e.g. if your company is moving from OC/TMS to DWM/TMS, or if you want to copy the TMS knowledge database from one TMS instance to another, e.g. copy from TMS production to TMS training environment.

OC: Oracle Clinical | DMW: Data Management Workbench | TMS: Thesaurus Management System | VTA: Verbatim Term Assignment (TMS learning created during manual coding (classification) of verbatim term to a dictionary term).

Oracle Clinical 5.2 and Thesaurus Management System 5.2.1 released on Sept. 4th 2017

Today (Monday Sept. 4th, 2017) Oracle released the latest version of Oracle Clinical 5.2, Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture 5.2 and Thesaurus Management System 5.2.1.

  • OC/RDC 5.2
  • TMS 5.2.1 (TMS 5.2 with patch for supporting WHODrug B3)

OC 5.2 and TMS 5.2 is primarily a technology stack upgrade from version 5.1 including some RDC bug-fixes, and hence no new functionality as such. However, TMS 5.2 comes with a patch (5.2.1) to support the new WHODrug B3 format, which was released on March 1st, 2017, and will replace the WHODrug B2 Enhanced Format. The dictionary vendor UMC will support WHODrug B2 until end of 2018.

The Technology Stack is upgraded on below tiers:


  • Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( Enterprise Edition


Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c which includes below on the middletier:

  • Oracle Forms and Reports
  • Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF)
  • Oracle WebLogic Server

Web Client

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge 25.x (EdgeHTML 13), on Microsoft Windows 10 only
  • Apple Safari, on the supported iOS and OS X versions and for RDC only


The new OC 5.2 and TMS 5.2.1 software is available for download on Oracle eDelivery

Documentation (release notes and user guides)




OC 5.2 / TMS 5.2 version targeted for 2nd half 2017

Oracle are currently working on an OC 5.2 / TMS 5.2 version that are targeted for 2nd half of 2017. The 5.2 version comes with a technology update on the middle-tier now using Oracle WebLogic server 12c, and support for Microsoft Edge Web browser for Windows 10 on web-clients.

For existing customers on OC/TMS versions 4.6.6, 5.0.1 or 5.1, this is an opportunity to plan for a final and most likely last upgrade of OC/TMS from Oracle.

From release date of OC/TMS 5.2 you can expect 5 years of support.

Future Outlook
Oracle are encouraging OC/TMS/RDC customers to switch to its Health Sciences solutions based on Oracle Life Sciences Hub (LSH), Data Management Workbench (DMW) and Inform (EDC cloud solution).

Oracle Health Sciences – Inform

Link: Oracle Health Sciences R&D Cloud Solutions

Oracle Health Sciences